Building a new home is full of excitement and anticipation for the day you step into your new home for the very first time. Unfortunately, the joy of your new home can often be suppressed by a number of unforeseen and unexpected problems, one of those being mice.
These unwelcome quests are an all too common issue in newly constructed homes with the drawn-to-home from site rubbish, discarded food scraps, and developments surrounding the home. They seek shelter in the home with its easy access and often perfect nesting spots.
Although these pests can really dampen your excitement there are steps you can take to manage them. Simple things such are cleaning the yard and the home is the first place to start. Common control methods like traps and baits can also assist in the controlling of these pests. Sometimes the infestation can seem to hang around and it is in these cases where a qualified Pest Control Technician is required.